If you are new to online marketing, then you should start being aware of the most vital industry terms.
So why not take a look at this ABC of online marketing and start familiarising yourself with these common words and phrases?
A – App Store Optimisation - App store optimisation helps you to get your app noticed on marketplaces like Google Play and iOS App Store, etc.
B – Business to Consumer - B2C means a process wherein the product or service is being marketed directed towards consumers.
C – Content Management System = A CMS is an application which you use to edit and publish your content. Some popular examples of CMS are WordPress and Drupal.
D – Direct Message- DMs are direct messages which enable you to receive and send tailored messages to followers within your demographic target area.
E – Exact Match Domain (EMD) - EMDs are domains which contain the same keywords for which the website is geared to rank.
F – Facebook Ads - Arguably this is the most successful social media marketing medium which you can use for promoting your brand.
G – Google Analytics - This is Google’s tool for maintaining track of your website traffic and statistics.
H – HTML - HTML stands for Hypertext Mark-up Language. It is a standard language which is used for the creating basic structure of websites.
I – Inbound Marketing - Inbound marketing aims to fascinate and convert customers through high-quality content and enhanced brand awareness.
J – JavaScript- JavaScript is a language which is commonly used around the web. It enables client-side scripts and user interaction.
K – Keyword Density - Keyword density refers to the number of times you’ve used your keyword throughout your content. You must avoid ‘keyword stuffing’ in your content.
L – Landing Page - This is where the viewers(your potential customers) will arrive when they visit your website.
M – Month on Month Metrics - This term used when you’re comparing the rise and fall of your metrics and stats per month.
N – News = This isn’t strictly a marketing term, you will need to be updated about the latest news, updates, releases, and progressions in the realm of online marking.
O – Online Reputation Management- By managing your online reputation, you will be able to influence the way your website is viewed by your viewers.
P – PageRank- PageRank is one of the most popular algorithms by Google for taking an estimate of search engine ranking.
Q – Quarter on Quarter Metrics = The term used for comparing growth and reductions in your metrics per quarter.
R – Return on Investment - ROI is a technique of calculating how effective your investment has been on your goals.
S – Search Engine Optimisation - Popularly known as SEO, it is a method of improving your visibility in searches and achieving higher rankings.
T – Twitter- Twitter is yet another social network which is popular for micro-blogging.
U – User Experience- This term is with reference to the focus on the design and ease of use meant for consumer’s benefit.
V – Vine - A social network wherein you can share short videos.
W – WordPress- The most popular CMS for editing and publishing blogs and websites.
X – XML- XML refers to Extensive Mark-up Language, which is usually used for structured data.
Y – Year on Year Metrics- The term used for comparing your metrics per annum.
Z – Zapier - Zapier is an automation tool that which lets your apps talk to interact with each other. It connects APIs for more than 500 apps. Through Zapier, the users can also create private integrations for themselves.
Did this ABC of online marketing help you to understand the basics? Then Your Digital Agency has much more in store for you. Look at our services to see how we can help you grow your business!